Sunday, December 31, 2017
Friday, November 24, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Alethia and Anomie by John Robles II
For the real journalist, writer,
analyst, investigator, intelligence affiliate and critical thinker it is must
be completely and totally obvious that we live in a world of fabricated lies
wrapped within lies being created right in front of our noses by the most murderous,
ignorant, pathological, psychotic liars history has ever known and ones who are
hell bent and in real time destroying the very reality of the human race and
what makes us in fact the noble creations we are and are arrogantly doing so right
before our eyes.
Alethia: a Greek word variously
translated as "unclosedness", "unconcealedness",
"disclosure" or "truth". The literal meaning of the word ἀ–λήθεια
is "the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident." It
also means factuality or reality.[1] It is the opposite of lethe, which
literally means "oblivion", "forgetfulness", or
"concealment".[2] According to Pindar's Olympian Ode,[3] she is the
daughter of Zeus, while Aesop in his Fables[4] said that she was crafted by
Agents of Satan – The Illuminati
The most astounding thing is that
we know exactly who “they” are and for those of us who are awake we see them
every day flaunting what they are doing right before our eyes. At the risk bringing
up pictures of theological evils and esoteric demons unpinned from reality and
floating in the ether and naming them “Agents of Satan”, I do so anyway because
those are the closest words I can find that characterize correctly what they
are. By using the word Illuminati I also risk calling up the preprogrammed reaction
of 90% of the population and the subliminal switch which will turn off their
belief in anything that is written here, but I must do so because that is the
truth. They interface with society and the world through groups they have subtly
infiltrated and manipulate and control and they are everywhere and in
everything that matters.
You know “them” as neo-liberals,
globalists, the New World Order, neo-fascists of every kind, the world Jewry,
the Zionist, Fascist and Nazi Internationales, banksters and even the CIA and
MOSSAD which have been taken over. “They” are the developed and refined result
of thousands of years of conspiracy and subterfuge and what we see today is the
coming out of these Masonic-Illuminati worshippers of Lucifer who were
organized into a tightly knit secret society, which then infiltrated all of the
worlds secret societies into the monolith that John Kennedy warned us about in
his historic speech, and in so doing allowed them to facilitate the ongoing genocide
of my people and many others and the taking over of governments and control of
populations in order to take over of the world.
The Jews – The Cover and the Big
Lie of Persecution
Just those two words written by a
non-Jew are enough in some places to get one arrested and anywhere in the world
they are enough to immediately switch on the filters programmed into everyone’s
minds by “them”, but since the so called “Jews” have allowed themselves to be
hijacked believing the Illuminati will deliver them their promised land, the
word must be used. This requires volumes and volumes to properly address but
let us look at the big picture for one moment without the minutiae.
It is a historical fact, even
going back to biblical times, that the Jew has been characterized as a poor persecuted
and untouchable entity, these lies promoting by Jews themselves and then by
those who have used the Jewry to hide behind. It is a fact that Hitler, Herzl,
Rothschild and all of these Luciferian demonic thinkers have purposefully promoted
and created a persecuted and untouchable Jewry so that they can have what they
covet most and that is impunity. Impunity to kill slaughter, manipulate and
control at will.
The world has been so programmed
and conditioned to believe in their impunity and persecution where in almost
any country it is even forbidden or taboo to even say the word “Jew” without
facing backlash that they have achieved what no other grouping has ever been
able to achieve, impunity. But the word “Jew” is in fact a lie as is everything
else associated with them and which is easy to discover once one starts
digging. Jews as a race are dark skinned Semitic people that were only classified
as “Jew” because of their language known as Hebrew. Even Yiddish be connected
to “Jews” is a fake as it is the language of the Khazars and they must be
mentioned because it is the Khazars and the Ashkenazim who have in fact
hijacked the classification “Jew”. Being as they were a pagan people then it is
not surprising that they are Luciferian Satanists and once this fact is
understood the rest makes more sense.
I used the words “cover of
persecution” because that is the easiest of the big lies to unmask. One has to
simply consider a few facts to uncover the big Lie of Persecution. How can a
group that controls international banking and almost all of the world’s central
banks, most governments, intelligence agencies, the global media, now the Internet,
the world religions through subterfuge, and as I said earlier, everything else
that matters, “PERSECUTED”?! They even have their impunity codified in the laws
of over a hundred countries! Clearly this “persecution” is a lie!
Lies, Lies and More Lies
The lies are incredible and my
research has shown that even the word Semitic when applied to these “Jews” is a
lie. The word Semitic in reality applies to the Semite people who are the
natives of Palestine and against whom the fake European “Jews” are currently
committing genocide against, but that is by far not all. Even the Holocaust,
though not a lie in itself, was a fabricated mass killing to allow for the invasion
and annexation of Palestine by the British Empire operating in secret for the
Black Nobility in Rome. The real numbers from the Red Cross of approximately 278,000
killed pales in comparison to even the number of Yugoslavs killed and does not
even begin to come close to the number of Russians killed against who I believe
the whole “endeavor” called World War II was directed.
The claim on Palestine is a lie
given by one British Lord to another in a three sentence declaration. This and
the establishment of a New World Order are the biggest of the lies and the reasons
for all of the other lies. The destruction of Germany and even calling the
National Socialists Nazis is a lie, they never called themselves thus, not that
I will ever defend fascists or nazi scum, but it is important to know how even
this group was manipulated with a label for closely related to the word Ashke”Nazi”
which is who is truly behind the mass slaughters.
The lies are so many that I cannot
of course go into them here in an “article” but let’s look at a few more. The
Anne Frank diaries, a certified lie, the Jewish connection to the Americas and
even their specific impunity granted in original US laws, a lie, the profiting from
slavery and involvement in the slave trade of even the Slavic people was
covered up with lies, their self-proclaimed “God’s chosen” status is a lie, and
finally as it is associated with my direct experience of working with them in
almost their natural environment, is the lie that they are somehow more
intelligent of better organized and superior thinkers to the rest of humanity.
They are not. My direct experience working with almost 200 of them in the media
showed a group of masterful liars and manipulators ready to steal and associate
themselves with anything and everything, and in fact steal, if it is to their
advantage and certain in their own superiority and impunity and the stupidity
of you and I, the lowly and unworthy “Goy” which includes all races other than
those of European Khazari-Ashenazi descent. Their genocide on Semites in
Palestine even shows that it is they who are the true anti-Semites and the anti-Semitic
label is another of the million facts they have hijacked.
We Are All Equal
I believe any thinking
intelligent person will agree in the thesis that all humans are created equal
and that our differences are programmed into us by our environments and the surroundings
we are born into and forced to live within.
The question of God is another
that has plagued mankind since the beginning of time and is always a
contentious one and as presented by the manipulated Roman bibles one that is
not even believed by many theologians who have served the churches of mankind,
but we, intelligent critical thinkers can not, no matter what are political or
sociological belief systems are escape the fact that there is no doubt an
unfathomable superior power at work in our reality and on the human race as a
For me the closest manifestations
to piety before God is found in the Russian Orthodox faith and in the teaching
of the American Indians and their respect for the Great Spirit and the Buddhist
and eastern beliefs in Karma, but this is a very personal belief system and when
I as a believer in quantum mechanics and parallel universes theory tie all that
together, my beliefs become too complex to describe to the casual reader and
not something I wish to go into as this has no bearing on the matter at hand
other than to say that my belief system in no way allows for “Redemption
Through Sin”, pedophilia, bestiality or any of the other 14 core perversions
that the New World Order wants to normalize.
It is not a question of God or
belief in a superior power that has to tell you that sexual relations, which
are meant for the propagation of the species, between an adult and a child or
an animal or someone of the same sex is an abomination, a perversion and a
crime, but merely normal standard intelligence, basic logic and elementary
If your desire is to put your
sexual organ into a child or animal or drink blood or semen as a way to “get
off” you need to seek qualified psychological counseling and not the support of
a “religion” or worship of Satan or the like-minded thinkers of a “secret
The Media
To detail all of the instruments
they use to control the global populace and install their New World Order and to
properly address in full the single topic of control of the media to dumb down
the population and create ”Manufactured Consent” are subjects that require the
writing of many books and volumes, however they are urgent topics that need to
be realistically and honestly addressed for the layman and the man on the
street to understand why everything around them has seemed to have gone crazy.
The creation of Manufactured
Consent is exactly what they are doing and using the media and the Internet to
do it: consent for endless genocidal wars, consent to make you debt slaves,
consent to take away, to rape and even to sacrifice your children, consent to
allow for the open worship of Satan, consent to place the demons doing all of
this in the position of “elites” and as some master race and consent to allow
for all of the other aspects of what these sick monsters call the New World Order
to be implemented and accepted as normal.
In addressing the subject of
media and in this case global media I must mention the subject of the
horrendous false-flag-endless-war-catalyst-psychological-mass-murder-operation
called 911 carried out by Zionist-Illuminati lunatics, because it was my
research and endless work trying to expose those behind 911 and in reality
fighting the “real terrorists” for which I should have received awards and
commendations but for which I received the destruction of my life, career,
family, the imprisonment of my son and the liquidation of the global Voice of
Russia by the Russian/CIA/MI6/MOSSAD/Illuminati New World Order Globalist
Neo-Liberal “Jewish” scum, that exposed the tentacles of the global octopus of “Jewish”
global media control and their direct involvement in 911.
Given their impunity in
liquidating the official state broadcaster of the Russian Government and the
Russian World they have continued with the utmost arrogance and have become so
obvious that even the most dumbed down members of the population are beginning
to see something is wrong and now they have started targeting children as we
have seen by attempts to install Satan worship in Russian schools and the clear
usage of children and school age youth by Skull and Bones Illuminati scum like
Russia’s Alexey Navalny in “opposition” rallies.
The latest attempt by the Jewish
controlled media to put forward an Israeli citizen and prostitute-like-whore
who they call a “journalist” (but who has not written one article in her life
that I have seen) as a contender for the office of President of the Russian
Federation should have people in the streets protesting these media outlets.
She herself puts out pictures of herself having sex and in all kinds of
intimate poses and the like as if she is somehow attractive with her horse like
features and the dumbed down populace is supposed to buy it. By doing so this
is an attack by the Jewish media on the Office of President of the Russian
Federation. It is a good thing I am not the director of any state security body
because I would have all of these scum arrested for treason which is in fact
what they are guilty of in their attempts to sow discontent manufacture color
revolutions and delegitimize the wonderful and powerful president that Russia
has been gifted with.
People my age remember the media
campaigns before the collapse of the Soviet Union by the “Jews” and the
Globalist filth, the endless gulags and repressions that were talked about to
get people to willingly give up free homes and education and medical care for
the lie of capitalism and democracy and it worked and they are doing the same
thing today. For almost all of the Jews, and this is a fact, their loyalties
are never with their host country but with the false construct of Israel, it is
therefore for this reason, as we saw with 911 and as we see in Russia every day,
that any Jew with dual Israeli Citizenship should NEVER be allowed into a media
position or a position in intelligence, the military, banking or government or education
or policy or any other area where they could undermine the sovereign interests
of their host countries.
The media is not only working to
foster Manufactured Consent but by its endless stories of war crimes that are
never punished, pedophilia that is never prosecuted, subversions and treason
that are never gone after, war crimes and false flag terrorism that is never
properly prosecuted 911 evidence of collusion that is constantly ignored,
violations of the Geneva Conventions on torture and aggressive war that are
ignored and high crimes and treason by
officials from Bush to Clinton that everyone knows happened but that no one is
ever prosecuted for lead to what is called Anomie.
Anomie is, according to a post by
US Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein (Green Party), the
deep alienation experienced by most humans, the loss of self-esteem and hope, which
has led to a collective state of anomie. Anomie is a psychological imbalance
that leads to prolonged despair, lethargy and yearnings for self-annihilation.
It is caused by a collapse of societal norms, ideals, values and standards. It
is, in short, a loss of faith in the structures and beliefs that define a
functioning society. The result is an obliteration of purpose and direction.
For Russia (and this article must
be translated) the media have been hammering away at the Russian psyche since
the 90s. First it was the importation of fake “reality” TV shows, then the
imitation of every piece of American media garbage that had no relation with
life in Russia such as “Married with Children” and starting in 2014 after the
failure of Michael McFaul to create a color revolution in Russia, the nazi coup
in Ukraine and the endless legitimization and Manufactured Consent (a term
brought into usage by CIA asset and crypto Zionist Noam Chomsky) of a nazi
junta committing fratricide for their Western Illuminati masters are all perfect
examples of what the “Jewish” media is doing here in Russia! Why do they get
away with it? Because it is useful for the Oligarchs and those in power who do
not have real programs for the people but can only ignorantly rule by fear and
the dumbing down of the population.
The definition of Anomie is: a
"condition in which society provides little moral guidance to
individuals".[1] It is the breakdown of social bonds between an individual
and the community, e.g., under unruly scenarios resulting in fragmentation of
social identity and rejection of self-regulatory values.
Why is this necessary for the New World Order, because a fragmented,
dumbed down, disillusioned, weak and hopeless populace is easy to manipulate
and when you are aiming to destroy countries and cultures and peoples this is
one of the instruments of choice.
Conspiracy Realist
I am mad as hell and I will be writing more on the media and
the insanity that they are involved in during the coming year.
Monday, October 23, 2017
After almost 22 years refusing to normalize our status Russia wants to deport my daughter? VOLUME 3
Russia Kills Their Own Agent for
the CIA!? Are We Not Humans Too? They Got My Son Now They Want My Daughter!!!
How can you make people renounce their citizenship and then threaten to send
them back ? Are you insane?
It is almost my daughter’s
birthday. She has lived in Russia since she was 6 and has no other family
except me and her brother and her Russian sister whom she visits. She was born
in Woodland California and is going to be 27 and was raised in Russia from the
age of 6 and yet been forced to live as a refugee in Russia for 10 years now. Her
life was destroyed by being forced to live as a refugee in a country where
refugees are the lowest class of people.
Even though our family has followed
the rules and laws of Russia and filed for citizenship in 2010,FMS has their
own rules and apparently their power is above everyone else’s. Someone waved
their hand at us when I refused to pay a bribe and I complained about the
unfair treatment we were receiving. So they destroyed us. They are used to
acting with impunity in their corruption, with using fear and threats and
denying people basic rights in order to make their money on bribes and presents
to which they believe they have a right and which is the only reason they work
in their jobs where they are supposed to serve the people not the people serve
I made my daughter a promise when
she was born, after I helped deliver her and was the first person to hold her.
I promised her that I would always be there for her and would do everything and
anything to protect her until the day I died. I always keep my promises, which
is my principle problem I suppose, and that is what I am attempting to do now.
I have kept my promises to the Russian Security Services, to the people who
have trusted me and to my children, but now corrupt “officials” who openly
laugh at us have forced me to take steps I do not want to do.
All my daughter ever wanted, and
all we ever wanted, like all normal people was just to live a normal life, not
to be rich or have a mansion or dozens of flats or new cars or vacation abroad
like all of the officials in Lubertsy and Moscow, just to be average people and
work and live in peace. Even though I was promised a flat and social support when
I was recruited in 1998 and the flat was probably taken by my controllers and
the social support never appeared, we were only allowed the “privilege” of
becoming the first American political exiles in Russia. However even though we
were told we would be given citizenship in a matter of a few weeks it never
happened and now they are attempting to just delete us from history and from Russia
as if we never existed.
After almost 22 years in Russia my
daughter was just told she will be deported to the United States where she has
never been and where she has no family or acquaintances, even though she has
asylum and is supposed to be protected, and I was told that next year my asylum
may not be extended. Given that we renounced US citizenship how is this
possible? What kind of insanity is this. They made my son a criminal after my
multiple complaints and want to deport him too even though he also renounced US
citizenship. How is this even possible and for me and my daughter we have done
nothing wrong!!!
The Experiment
Almost every time I have met with
officials over the last three years they have mentioned the word “experiment”
in reference to one matter or another. At my son’s trial, during the extensions
of my documents, when I was re-registering my car for the millionth time, the
word experiment always comes up in one context or another, which is in reality what
the whole asylum “program” is in Russia, a big experiment and we are unwilling
guinea pigs in their little game.
This is important because when I
first came to Russia in the 1990s there was no such thing as asylum and I was
not only the first ex-US citizen granted asylum but one of the first people EVER
granted asylum in Russia and as we have seen they have made up the rules as
they go along.
The Hell of Asylum
To think that there are millions
or billions of rubles being sucked up by corrupt officials pretending to help
refugees is infuriating but that is the reality. According to information we
have whole subdivisions have been built for refugees (in Podolsk) but the
apartment blocks were taken by the Baturina family and the apartments sold by
“officials” and that is not the worst, there have been billions set aside for
legal and other aid that has never reached Asylees and is distributed amongst
the heads of departments for their fancy cars and expensive lifestyles.
Quite literally the system is
being run by people who are only interested in making themselves rich and
making life impossible for the most vulnerable of humans so they can make money
from bribes and from the budget and by making the obtaining of an internal
passport something impossible perhaps even from selling humans such as my
family to the United States. It is the only way to explain what has happened to
us and that is my official and final conclusion.
At the beginning, until we
applied for citizenship the people seemed to try to help and then there came up
the request for a 90,000 ruble bribe which eventually became 900,000 after we
complained. I was told by the Security Service not to pay any bribe and now
what? We are destroyed and have to die? Since that day nothing has changed and
I was told nothing is different today and the same Molodievsky who is the one
we believe gave the order we are not receive citizenship is still in power.
The issue of corruption must be
addressed if I am to save my children and in Lubertsy and the Moscow Region it
includes all of the heads of departments who regularly call each other and protect
each other from investigation, prosecution and complaints. In fact the
corruption goes all the way to persons or a person in the Presidential
Administration. There can be no other explanation as to why my complaints of
corruption to President Putin went directly to the “officials” I complained
about, this is unheard of in any democratic or modern system. How can a
complaint about corruption or illegality be sent to the person who is being
reported in order for them to make a finding? Is Russia a banana republic? I
did not think so before. I trusted that my identity would be kept private. It
was not.
Although the law has two key
points namely an asylee has all the rights of a Russian citizen except they can
not vote and to receive asylum you must renounce any previous citizenship, in
practice things are completely different. We will not even go into what
international law says about receiving asylum and being free from continued
persecution because Russia has failed in providing any protection whatsoever
from persecution from the state we have asylum from and the agents of that
state. My life and my family have been literally destroyed by the US and their
agents here in Russia and as far as having all the rights of Russians is not
even something we can talk about as it is so far from the truth as to be
1. Registration:
Although the registration and the propiska were deemed unconstitutional and
illegal the system continues today and is the chief foundation for corruption
and the false supremacy of what has become the upper class. I will not get into
the details but even for Russians from other cities and foreigners registration
is always a problem and almost always requires a bribe. It has nothing to do
with state security otherwise any individual could register themselves wherever
they lived. This is an endemic system which exists only in Russia. No other
modern country in the world has such an archaic system. Without Registration no
other action requiring a document can be done, not going to the hospital, not
paying taxes or getting a job, not signing an employment contract or obtaining a
driver’s license or registering a vehicle or opening a bank account or even
buying a SIM card for a phone, nor will educational institutions take you so my
children’s education simply stopped dead. Russians can get permanent
registration but refugees can not, we will not even talk about the propiska or
buying a flat or starting a business or any other normal thing.
2. Yearly
extension: I was told my asylum status is permanent and I renounced my US
citizenship forever. Then it turns out it is not. Every year it has to be
extended and EVERY year the who process started over again. When I had a job
every year a new contract, every year a new tax number, every year a new
driver’s license, a new medical insurance policy, reregistering my car,
everything. So basically you have to spend about two months a year just getting
new documents and in Russia that is a pure hell. As for renunciation this is
complete lunacy that you could even mention being sent back!
3. No
support whatsoever: In most normal countries refugees are given subsidies,
places to live, jobs, education, legal assistance, medical care and material
help but in Russia, although supposedly some sort of help exists you get
absolutely nothing whatsoever. Basically you get the document and as my
daughter said it means nothing. They give you the document and tell you to eff off.
The only thing it allows you not to be arrested or deported, supposedly.
4. Yearly
renewal of ALL required documents in Russia: As I mentioned above this is a
living hell of a nightmare every year as is the yearly interview and the yearly
wait of about a month while they give you the extension during which time you
have no document just a piece of paper that you can do nothing with, not work
not anything. After the month then you have another month to run around and
renew everything.
5. Employment
discrimination: It is hard enough being a foreigner in Russia but being a
refugee is basically being on the very very bottom of the class system. You can
not even get a job cleaning floors.
6. No
recognition by official bodies and institutions: Again although we were
supposed to have all the rights of Russians no one recognizes the asylum
document as something completely valid, they laugh or just tell you it is not
normal and they can’t work with such “cases”, and that is when they are nice.
When they see mine where it is written US citizen, the usually laugh at me and
make comments about how normal America is and why did I run from there. It is a
complete and total humiliation every time.
7. No
property rights, not only can we not buy real estate, which is a fantasy for
us, but I had my car literally simply stolen from me by the person it was
registered to. Since I can not permanently register a vehicle I had a car I was
driving using a three year power of attorney. Well one day the “owner” and her
“friend” in the mafia with police connections simply took it and even though I
reported it to the police there was nothing I could do. She was the registered
8. No
banking or financial rights: Due to the document I can not even to this day
after eight attempts to correct the issue transfer money from one of my
accounts to another. According to banks we are not residents, even though we
can not even leave the region let alone the country and according to the head
of the Sberbank as a non-resident I can not be allowed to transfer money
on-line from a savings account to a debit card account. Complete and total
9. Clarification
on passport, registration and propiska: When I talk about getting a passport I
am always talking about the internal document that is the only way to function
and live normally in Russia. As for registration and propiska, basically a
propiska is a permanent registration stamp. Without this you are officially
called a bum without a permanent address. We will not even talk about an
external normal passport it is something I will never have again.
IMPORTANT! In order to get asylum you must renounce your previous citizenship.
FMS, Corruption, the CIA/MI6/MOSSAD5th
Column and the US Embassy
At first I was told by the Russian
security services and my Russian controller to just live with my US passport,
as there was no asylum when I first arrived and just get a business visa every
year, which I did, and once a year took my passport to an office paid the fees
and they took care of everything. No renewing employment contracts or anything
because the base document was considered permanent. After the US stripped me of
citizenship and left me stateless and we got asylum, which should have been a
historic and global victory, as I was the first US citizen to receive asylum in
Russian and one out of only two or three other US nationals in the world with
asylum, we literally just entered hell!
The wall of absolute corruption surrounding
all of the above procedures and the incredible rudeness and brutality of all
the officials who were supposed to be helping us became the equivalent of
torture. I was told by my controller to keep quiet that I had received asylum and
hide the fact. Something I did for almost two years until one day I had to
renew my contract at the school I had built up for 13 years.
To make a long story short which
I have documented on my site in more detail, the woman I worked with for 13
years told her daughter that I had political asylum in Russia. The daughter for
some reason then made an emergency trip to New Jersey after which her
“boyfriend”, a Ukrainian from New Jersey, showed up, bought Russian citizenship
and was trying to get me to buy a Russian passport for 50 thousand dollars.
They then proceeded to take over
my school, cut my salary to almost nothing, as I was no longer an “American”
and stopped paying me completely and eventually locked me out of my school and
kept all my possessions and materials. They were not happy I had asylum because
that meant that I had connections they did not know about and this Ukrainian
was trying to find out how it was I had asylum and why was I seen on many
occasions visiting the office of the Security Service which I will get to in a
This school was founded in the
1990s and at that time the owners BKC had to have mafia protection and pay the
mafia to be allowed to work. This was what business was like in the ‘90s and as
I was an excellent teacher and word got out I was soon teaching a lot of the
children of these mafia and corrupt officials that lived in the area. Being as
I was in the belly of the beast teaching the children of these people I learned
a hell of a lot about who was who and even about killings and murders and the
like. Some of the things I was asked to do like transferring 40 million dollars
once and enrolling dozens of children in various US institutions were
unbelievable but they used me for these things and of course I had to report
After they locked me out of my
school I took them to court to get my back pay and my possessions back and
eventually won the case but it went nowhere and still hasn’t and never will
because the mafia is now the government in power in the city of Lubertsy which
is why nothing I ever did or tried to do there ever worked.
I mentioned my controller earlier
because I can no longer be quiet and it was he who in fact burned me. Rather
than meeting in a café or restaurant of the nearby park I was always made to go
directly into the office which had a plaque next to the door with the name of
the service. I was even photographed entering the building once by a tourist
and protested but he insisted it was safe. Horrendous negligent tradecraft but
that is who I had to work with and if I refused? God only knows what they would
have done to me.
Unfortunately my people in the
town knew my car and many of my students had seen me entering the office as there
were some of them who worked nearby and soon word spread.
Stunningly a young student of
mine named Sergey, who knew I had a relationship with the service and had seen
me and heard about it, and whom I taught for over ten years is now in the
United States with political asylum. Did he sell me out? Or did my controller
sell me out?
Someone sold me out tht is clear
even if only based on the fact that the official reason for the revocation of
my citizenship and passport was totally fake. Child support for children I
raised by myself in Russia? Lunacy! Or perhaps it was my site which the CIA
Station Chief told me to close? Or was it Mike Smith who befriended me when I
released the MI6 files and the NSA Post Hypnotic Scripts and turned out to be
working for MI6?
Regardless I know I was burned by
someone, perhaps multiple individuals whom I had trusted. You see most of them
hated Russia and would have done anything to get visas and get in good with the
USA to fulfil their abstract dreams of the Statue of Liberty and freedom and
prosperity and justice which they all believed was waiting for them in the land
of milk and honey.
After losing my school and all of
this transpired where else could I work with refugee documents except for the
government? So I was placed in the Voice of Russia and there the corruption was
even worse and for the next 5 years I had the “pleasure” of working with “the
Jews” and the Jewish media mafia that actually control much of the government
and the banking system and of course, the media.
It is a joke in Russia that to
get a job in the media all you have to do is show up and say, “I am a Jew!” and
you will get a job but thrat is how it is. I was only given a job because of my
perfect English because there was actually violent opposition, due to the fact
that I have asylum. Yes the “patriotic” Voice of Russia World Service did not
want a patriot to Russia working there, and I soon found out why.
There was a deep rooted long
running operation that had been working there since Soviet Times, people making
$400 a month driving new Land Rovers getting salaries from MI6 and the CIA,
ghost employees whose salaries went to the bosses and the widespread theft of
Russian budgetary monies though various clever “schemes”. They were so blatant
and obvious and completely over-confident in their impunity that they were
sloppy and therefore all of this became obvious to me very quickly.
I worked like 9 people there to
make my salary while these people came in once a day and slept on the job and
the like, but I was doing a noble job I thought. I was defending and promoting
Russia to a global audience of 480 million people and I was exposing US
illegality and 911 and I was doing one hell of a job which of course did not go
unnoticed by the US Government and the CIA. So the CIA no doubt issued orders
to take me down and after 5 years the Voice of Russia was itself liquidated,
either because of the corruption or its effectiveness in countering US propaganda.
During all of the above events and
always in the background my family and I were trying to get citizenship and I
was still working for the Services and informing on what was going on and
continuing my work gathering and finding information on the internet, my
journalistic work and my work with my sources who I still have not given up or
exposed. I also became a WikiLeaks Associate which in hindsight was a huge
mistake as it turned out to be an Intelligence Operation. I also became a very
loud Russian propaganda operative for the government and was exposing US
illegality to an international audience. I got to the point where I was being
cited by the New York Times and my interviews and articles were being picked
up, republished and cited by global media and people from all over the world. And
then Snowden showed up and everything went downhill for us from there.
The first post Snowden event was
right before we were supposed to get citizenship and was the first attempt on
my son, in what we discovered was an ordered arrest by the US Embassy.
Fortunately the operation to plant narcotics on him was filmed and we obtained
a copy of the recordings and then the whole thing was simply ignored. But they
did not stop. Their next operation saw him arrested and locked away in a prison
colony awaiting deportation where he has been for over two years now. We have
written about his case and have new evidence that the witnesses were off duty
cops but no one will do anything to help him and no one will listen to us and
no one in Russia cares. He was an English teacher, he was about to get married
and was working for a company programming aps for smart phones but the CIA’s
agents made him out to be a drug dealing piece of filth and now he will be
deported to a country he renounced citizenship in and where he will be tortured
and exploited and trafficked.
The next arrest was supposed to
be me and I was even told I would be locked up for the rest of my life and would
be creating plans and projects for the government, this was by the cop in
Lubertsy who “oversaw my divorce”, I kid you not, there was a cop telling me
not to see my ex-wife, not to do this regarding my kids and not to do that, all
of it documented.
Amazingly 22 Years of Hell has
been Simply for a Document
That things have gotten to this
is not my fault. We followed the law. We filed for citizenship and followed all
of the rules and procedures. We did everything we were supposed to. I helped
the Secret Services and the Government and allowed myself to be used for
propaganda purposes and did not pay a bribe as I was told to and had someone
not wanted this big horrendous show that you are witnessing they would have
simply issued us documents and we would have lived our little lives quietly, I
would have continued creating native English speaking Russians for the elites
and we would have lived like everyone else and not bothered anyone and
supported the system and not made any noise or complained or had to write
dozens of letters to the President of the country or the media or international
bodies. Did they really think we would just die off quietly? Or is their greed
and impunity so incredibly high that they actually believe in their own
righteousness and that they are truly entitled to receiving their bribes and feeding
off the less fortunate and will they be allowed to destroy an entire family for
their American masters and be allowed to get away with it? Because that is what
I have been fighting in Russia for 20 years. A CIA planted and installed 5th
column that is bent on destroying the Russian State and the Russian people.
So for about ten years we battled
to normalize our status and no matter what we did we were not allowed to. I
have to remind you I have been married twice officially in Russia and have two
daughters I am not allowed to see who are all Muscovites, just this fact alone is
What Did We Do? We Filed
Complaints, We Reported, We Fought Them, We Tried to Work in the System
It is stunning and almost unbelievable
but every time we filed complaints and wrote to the President who has the
authority to grant citizenship and does so all the time to Hollywood and other American
stars the reports and complaints went right to the corrupt filth we were
reporting on. Like some banana republic. And what did these officials do? What
did my controller do when I said I was promised a flat and social package? They
used the most cowardly defense possible. They said I lied. But I have proof of
everything and I am going to release it all soon, names dates, photographs,
recordings, everything. I may be many things but I am not a liar!
Their demands for bribes the
constant threats, the attacks on my person, the destruction of my life and
career and family have all been documented and no one has helped not even the Secret
Service I work for and was recruited by, they have all covered for their own scum
and the FMS has done whatever they please even after I was escorted directly to
them by agents who made themselves known (the last time a General arranged a
meeting) and the director of FMS Lubertsy offered to give me a rope and soap to
hang myself. These same animals kill FSB agents, plant narcotics and destroy
decent people and steal whatever they want and they are allowed to get away
with it. How? Is Russia really a banana republic?
My Daughter was Robbed of an
Education a Career and a Life
My daughter was a good girl and
intelligent and pretty and had a bright future ahead of her. She had difficulty
growing up in Russia due to the racism and name-calling by her classmates but she
studied well and knows two languages fluently, is responsible and very bright
with computers. Had she been issued a normal document and been allowed to study
she would have been a wonderful specialist and professional.
Due to all of the above
difficulties she was not able to continue her studies and because of the taking
of my school and my regular employment and a horrible young man who
mysteriously appeared when all of this was happening she has suffered greatly
though absolutely no fault of her own. When her brother was framed she became
terrified as I did and we went into hiding. She is afraid to leave the place
where she lives as I am. We now live in terror and this terror has to stop! We
did nothing wrong!
John my son and her brother was also
robbed of his life, his career, education and his own family that he was about
to start. He was engaged to be married and had everything going for him when
these brutal mafia narco cops beat him, kicked him calling him Dagestani and
finally set him up and sent him to prison to try to get a bribe out of me in
the millions.
I was also robbed of everything,
two daughters I cannot see, one in hiding who blames me, a son in a prison
colony, my marriage career and life and all for fighting the destruction of
Russia and the 5th column scum. I will now expose all of them, the
narcotics cops, the generals and officers and all of the officials in Lubertsy
and Zhulebino who stole flats and the landlords who pay no taxes and exploit
the poor and the working taking every penny they can from them and turning them
into slaves while never paying taxes and the cops who and officials who in the
‘90s were bandits and killers and murdered people left and right.
I promised revelations and to
tell you things or interest other than the personal hell I have been through
which I know no one really cares about and since I always keep my word here, as
they say, goes nothing!
I have stated on the Web and on
the site and on Twitter during many occasions that Edward Snowden is a fake and
was sent specifically to target me and to ensure the liquidation of the Voice
of Russia. I have also written about being poisoned in the office of Dimitry
Kisilyov and throwing up blood for three days afterwards, I have also told you
about the baseball bat meeting at the Voice of Russia where I was forced to
give up my passwords to my personal e-mails and I told you about the threats
from the assistant editor at the Voice of Russia and then the similar threats
over the phone to fabricate criminal cases against me and I told you it was
about all of journalistic work exposing the CIA, US illegality and Ukraine and
this is all valid and documented and true but there was other stuff going on
behind the scenes that was even more damaging to the CIA in Moscow than my
public work and it is for all of this that first McFaul targeted me and then
Greenberg/Snowden was sent.
First let me tell you a secret
about my articles and it is something I have regretted since day one. The 5th
column at the VOR was involved in all kinds of machinations and one of them
involved giving too many jobs to one person. I was doing too many jobs and they
decided to use my son as the official author for my articles. This was done
without my knowledge and then when I found out I reported it. My articles
caused quite an uproar and I was even targeted by Visa and our salaries were
blocked. I was uncovering secret information, working with WikiLeaks and
publishing articles for the world to see and broadcasting them to 480 million listeners
worldwide exposing the illegality of the US. It was my work that killed and
exposed the TPP and broke the Boston Bombing and I continued for years
attempting to get to the bottom of 911, I exposed NATO plans using secret
information and sources for a bloody uprising in Crimea and the declaration by
radical Muslims of their own territory which NATO was supposed to have recognized
in order to build a base just like Kosovo. It was my direct work and Intel that
stopped that. But that is not all. I also exposed the NATO missile shield as
ineffective and that did not go unnoticed and I was helping the Occupy Movement
and more for many years. But again that is not all.
Our targeting by the VOR 5th
Column and the CIA and MI6 was also due to my other work for the Secret Service
which was uncovered as I mentioned above and which my student living with
asylum in the US was nice enough to verify as well as a CIA/NSA agent who
contacted me recently and dropped several bombshells on me regarding Snowden
and Obama and confirmed what I have known all along yet even the Russian
Security Services cannot do anything about. This regards Greenberg/Snowden.
Why? The only explanation is that Russia is not as free or independent as I
believed and there are a host of people lying to President Putin. So this
information has to get to President Putin and any other President that are fighting
US and Zionist imperialism and the Illuminati 911 psychopathic cabal trying to
create a New World Order and destroy the morals of all humanity.
The destruction of my family was
too organized and too well planned out to have been just coincidence. Look at the
monsters the US Embassy sent out, who sat through my son’s trial laughing, my parked
car being hit while he was being sentenced, the fact that an “immigration
officer” who I openly confronted and accused of orchestrating all of it, saying
they were short of staff but appearing as if we were immigrants when we are the
sovereigns, the phony nature of the trial of my son, which was staged with an
outcome that was predetermined with even the judge admitting that of they went
after the cops 40 people would lose their jobs and then the divorce and custody show on the upper floor which
finalized the divorce the day before I could have received citizenship through
marriage, it was all orchestrated.
Is the 5th column that
I have fought against so real and powerful that it controls all of the real
processes in Russia, it would appear so and the Russians want it thus. They
destroyed the Soviet Union, installed their puppet CIA infrastructures, laws
and organizational hierarchy with the one understanding that there be no return
to Communism. They oversaw privatization and made all the 5th column
and their agents rich and then I come along exposing them. Of course there was
Then there is the moment of my
son’s arrest and the lead investigator who told me ‘oh I KNOW YOU WORK FOR THE
“Security Service ” but your son doesn’t does he? As if trying to find out how
far they could go. I of course did not answer her but it was clear she knew and
the message was clear that that was the reason she brought it up. Apparently
these mafia narco-filth thought I was working against them when I was working
against their CIA masters but in the end it turns out it was the same thing,
they work for the CIA, who else traffics drugs in foreign countries?
Organ Trafficking
So not only was I right about
Snowden but there was another revelation that the entire Pizzagate fiasco
revealed for me and verified some of my darkest fears and this is something
that the Russian Government the Russian Security Services and President Putin
need to deal with in a most serious manner. That is namely the human
trafficking that the US Government and the CIA have been proven to be involved
with. This includes sex trafficking slavery and organ trafficking for the
Old History CPS Human Trafficking
and My Own HELL
Before I move on to the big
revelation I want to repeat for those who do not know me or missed my wrtings
on the matter and tell you about something that I only remembered two summers
ago after the stress of watching my son taken away and I also want to tell you
about the Pelosi connection because this directly affects the safety and
security of my children.
The first thing is that I
remembered that I was sold or given to a US Government Program when I was 12. I
was placed in a “Special Group Home” for MENSA kids. I believe it was an
MKULTRA Program because I was subjected to experimentation and even before then
they were attempting to make me a Remote Viewer. So technically I was the
property of the US Government and the CIA in their opinion, which goes to
explain why they treated my children as their property as well. This has to be
mentioned because of a statement made to me by Nancy Pelosi in 2007, which at
the time seemed merely odd, with the Pizzagate revelations made perfect evil
and black sense. Giving my kids up as collateral for a passport was merely
business for them.
It is something pretty serious if
the entire US Government and the speaker are involved in or covering up
pedophilia, child sex trafficking, human trafficking and organ trafficking of
humans! This is very serious indeed and knowing this Pelosi’s statement to me
to send my children to America where they would have had no home or relative or
anyone they knew and would have ended in some state home under control of the US
Government and the CIA while I was in Russia and they knew I could not return
was something to worry about , I remind you it was in 2007 when I was trying to
resolve why my passport was revoked and I was left stateless that Pelosi told
me ”Give up your kids as collateral and my office will assist you in getting
your passport back.”
Even now I shudder to think what
the US Government and the CIA would do to my kids if they return there. The
would be disappeared so easily and no one would ever know so they can create
Agents because of their language skills or be interrogated and tortured of
course or trafficked as the Pelosi letter implies and traded as collateral for
something else Pelosi wants!
The US tortures and kills and
brainwashes and murders and rapes and does whatever they want to human beings!
They have slaughtered millions and I hope and believe the Russians are fighting
a war of good versus evil and I believe in President Putin and am placing my
life in his direct hands
Why have I been targeted since
I have a revelation to make and
if FMS, the CIA Narco-Mafia police killers, Putin’s Administration, the US
Government, the CIA and MI6 know about this why shouldn’t the world? Why should
I keep my silence if it has only allowed US assets and agents to secretly destroy
my family and I while I must remain silent?
I was outed by my own controller
so it was his tradecraft and not mine which led to my outing from the agency
being revealed. Whether out of laziness or just plain uncaring stupidity he
used to make me meet him at the office rather than at a nearby café or other
location as I had requested many times.
I have signed multiple
non-disclosure agreements and documents regarding confidentiality and promised
not to reveal anything about my relationship with them and will continue to do
so except for the simple fact of a relationship which apparently I have taken
far more seriously than they have or one they are so confident I will never
reveal even to the point where they believe I will sacrifice my children.
Unfortunately they are mistaken I will no longer allow my children to suffer.
The Revelations: How I know
Snowden and WikiLeaks are Ops and Greenberg was sent for me.
I may have worked in secret for
multiple Russian Secret Services and the Soviet and Russian Governments in
various unspecifiable capacities for over 25 years.
I will give you three possible examples
but there are actually hundreds if not more.
Perhaps I was recruited in 1986
perhaps I wasn’t. Perhaps I ferried Russian Agents and packages all over the US
and across US Canadian and US Mexican borders for years undetected perhaps I
didn’t. Perhaps I was broadcasting intelligence to the Russians on shortwave
for decades perhaps I wasn’t. Perhaps the envelope I passed to the US embassy
in San Francisco contained nuclear secrets perhaps it didn’t. The issue here is
that I was suspected of working for the KGB and then ended up in Moscow after I
had everything taken away and then they revoked my passport which the United
Nations got back and I get asylum and I am sitting on the Voice of Russia
exposing 911 to an audience of 480 million and writing articles exposing CIA
color revolution plans for the Russian Federation. So of course the CIA is like
One example which I will almost
admit to is the MI6 list of over 400 MI6 Agent which I not only published and
leaked but gave to the Russians first maybe. The second example involves
ex-Ambassador Michael McFaul and his color revolution plans which I stopped and
then he came after me! This is real and documented! And the third example was
my sounding the alarm on plans by the Right Sector and Extremists in Crimea to
start a bloody revolt and declare an independent republic that NATO would have
recognized using the Kosovo scenario. So you could sy Crimea becoming part of
Russia was my fault. If you want.
Amazingly! Unbelievably! Thanks
to the Jewish US controlled media here in Russia we have no support in Russia!
This is stunning! Now after the Ukrainian Salogub and the mafia have destroyed our
lives and after the years of torture and waiting and uncertainty they think are
just going to dispose of us? I cannot allow that to happen.
PRISM and all of the massive
spying were not revealed by Snowden! They were revealed by me to the Russians FIRST, maybe! The NSA, CIA
and MI6 had a leak and I was it! And they sent Snowden to plug it to protect
the US National Security! All understandable!
I am certain what I have seen in
20 years is not something they want coming out! The Genrals and Colonels in the
Gorodok who took dozens of apartments each for all their family and friends,
the hundreds more they sold and rent out and the people they killed or made
homeless! The 40 million dollars I was used to transfer and still have all the
details to in case something happens to me. And then there are the” Jews” and I
have seen with my own eyes how they destroyed the Voice of Russia, deleting all
of the serious programs that shed a positive light on Russia! Turning it into
an idiot show! Getting rid of any intelligent intellectual debate and anything
moral and promoting higher values and the rule of law! I saw it and watched
them do it with their little Masonic plans and sexual sickness and deviations!
I saw it and watched them and fought them and they got even!
Why I Wrote This
After 22 years in Russia and
serving the Russian state in multiple capacities and putting up with their
archaic post-Soviet US engineered self-destructive document system and the
endless attacks by the Sayanim and CIA/MI6 installed assets throughout the
government and society, FMS told me that next year they will probably not
extend my asylum and that I need to file for citizenship again. They also said
they will deport my daughter possibly this week and they will deport my son
after he serves 5 years for a crime he did not commit.
We have all renounced US
citizenship and we would face torture and worse if returned to the United
States. My children would be used to blackmail me from there! Even if the
children were not imprisoned it would be nothing except torture for them to
have to undergo reprogramming to accept the disgusting sexual perversions,
LGBTQPB and endless sexual sickness of American society. For me it would be a
death sentence and the Voice of Russia made sure of that 100%.
I am asking for the last time for
President Putin to give us citizenship and allow us to live normal lives. If
they still refuse I am asking any country that will give us citizenship and
where we will not be discriminated against due to our race and political
beliefs to grant us citizenship and safe passage there. I was born in Puerto
Rico, I speak Spanish Russian and English and I have renounced US citizenship
on multiple occasions publicly!
I am technically a traitor to the
United States but I want to make it clear I am a traitor to the filth who have
taken over the government and the murderous criminal organization called the
CIA. I am against the unholy monsters who sell children and take them from
healthy families at CPS and the Cops who kill people at will and the puppets
who rule the country for Israel and send American boys to die for bankers and
Israel! I am against the CIA which traffics humans and kills Americans and
creates instability and war and destroys peaceful countries for the Rothschilds
and the Corporation. I am against the Corporation that killed my people and
stole our lands and continues their genocide. I am against the Skull and Bones
Masonic Genocidal conspiracy to enslave the world. If that is America then I am
a traitor and I have done what I can to destroy and expose these monstrous
criminals, mass murderers, pedophiles and enslavers of humanity.
So dear beloved Russia and
President Putin and the world human rights community, I ask you not to deport
my children to the United States and do the right thing and give them Russian
citizenship! They have done nothing wrong and will face torture, trafficking
and possibly death or exploitation if they are returned to the United States,
at a minimum it will break up their family and if you have one human or humanitarian
cell in your bodies you will not allow my family to be destroyed further. I
also ask you to at least show me a drop of human courtesy and respect for my entire
life that I have given to Russia and the Russian people and the Russian world.
I have done more for Russia than most Russians and deserve at least to be
treated as a person and not an animal.
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